Stephanie Schwarz
Stephanie works as a body therapist, star ambassador and psychic, shamanic healer and teacher.
Her ability is to SEE people with their aura and energy system.
She is the founder of Takina therapy and Takina yoga.
Her training as a physiotherapist, Holosan therapist, certified craniosacral therapist according to Upledger, Ayurveda yoga teacher as well as various other training courses in authentic personal development and spiritual teaching refined her skills.
Today she works as a modern shamanic healer and teacher.
Play as a trained physiotherapist
Body expression and movement always play an important role in healing.
Over the years, Stephanie has developed Takina therapy with Takina Yoga and passes on this knowledge through the techniques in her training.
She lives with her husband and two children in Austria, in the Salzburg Alps and is an enthusiastic yoga and karate athlete.
What is Takina?
“TAKINA emerged over the years of my work.
I have been working with people and on their bodies my entire professional life to ensure healing, recovery and well-being.
Over the course of my professional life, I have often experienced situations with people that made it clear to me that energy medicine tools should be used here.
What does that mean?
This means that man must be trained never to be separated from his INNER HEALER and his infinite power.
Man has everything he needs within himself and can use his own concentration to move his body in the direction his mind wants to heal.
TAKINA is a treatment method that addresses body, mind and soul!
It is a very powerful combination of structure and energy.
TAKINA works in the body's energy system.
That means we work with the human energy system. The chakra theory and the meridian theory play an important role.
Through my clairvoyance, I have learned in my work that for many people the body is not able to communicate within its own body system.
The body needs communication within its system to function naturally.
It is precisely these barriers that are broken through very quickly with the techniques of Takina treatment.
My many years of physiotherapeutic and structural work on people's bodies have shown me personally that it is essential and important to break through the barriers in the energy system so that the body can function physiologically again.
Takina very quickly and powerfully breaks through the barriers in the energy system and combines physical movement communicated through the body to heal and realign within the body system.
Takina cleanses, clears and charges the energy system with high dimensional energy.
Here we are helped by cosmic beings from the Light Council of Sirius B, the High Council of Arcturus, and the Pleiadian Light Federation. They all help us to achieve a new awareness and vibration so that health, prosperity, harmony and peace is a general state of vibration and consciousness.
This means that Takina therapists can perceive the information from the client's body being/body intelligence and also communicate the movements that the client needs.
The client is also educated and trained to recognize and understand their body/body intelligence!
Here I was able to learn through my work, my connection and my clairvoyance that there are key points (Takina Gate Points) in the body that are best suited to channeling energies in and out of the body.
During Takina treatments, the entire body with its energy system and the associated nervous system is addressed, neutralized and charged with high-vibration energy.
The goal is still to ensure that symptoms of any kind no longer have a chance to manifest themselves.
ENERGY MEDICINE is a component of ubiquitous medicine.
The human being in his connection with the body, with the earth and thus with universal healing knowledge.
Medicine means: “Science of the healthy and sick human organism, of its diseases, their prevention and cure”
The journey of science into the subtle and paranormal abilities in medicine and healing is apparently still very young to the public.
The truth is that shamans have been researching this for a very long time and people have been systematically prevented from gaining this access to cosmic healing knowledge to increase consciousness for eons.
A separation from this knowledge has occurred as earthbound humans and indigenous peoples have been and continue to be eradicated.
But no matter what you try, you will never succeed in eradicating an earthbound, cosmic consciousness, because it is precisely this connection and the voice of our indigenous and cosmic ancestors that defines us as humans.
A connection to the universe, to the earth, to you!
Because you are the universe, you are the earth and therefore you are everything you need.
The fact is that all people have the ability to obtain knowledge and information that lies outside our material and imaginary living standards and life structures.
In the connection to the cosmos and to yourself you will find everything you need in terms of information.
We are spirit beings in a body and it is important to use this awareness for the future and for our own healing.
The earth is changing and with it all the creatures that live here.
That's why medicine is also changing.
This is the beginning of a new era of medicine.
The voice of our indigenous and cosmic ancestors with millennia-old knowledge returns in the modern zeitgeist.
Takina therapists are there.
For a higher purpose, Takina serves to stabilize high dimensional frequencies among humans to achieve high dimensional consciousness that includes the fullness of our human superpowers to pursue health, wealth, love, freedom and peace.”