Takina Chakra Yoga
A total of 7 times every Monday from 9 am to approx. 10:30 am timezone CEST
TAKINA Chakra Yoga ONLINE via Zoom.
Awaken your powers!
This Takina Yoga journey aims to get to know and awaken your powers in your chakras.
Get back your powers and the information you deserve for your life.
There is a lot of information in each chakra, chakras themselves are like their own universes that live within us. During the yoga sessions I work with TAKINA techniques for your chakras.
What you need: a comfortable place at home where you can practice with me undisturbed on Monday mornings. A blanket and a yoga mat. A laptop with a camera so I can see and hear you.
No yoga knowledge necessary.
Go on an enriching journey with me. Everything we sow for ourselves now will bear fruit.
if you can't be there live, the Yoga sessions are recorded and the link will be sent to the course participants.
Price: €188.00
Register here: office@takina.at